Lifetime Warranty Tarpaulins - Tecplast

As a result of our years of research and development, we are proud to present our range of tarpaulins with a lifetime warranty. Highly professional quality tarpaulins that will accompany you for very long years with resistance against all weather, even recurring
World Premiere: Lifetime Warranty Tarpaulins
Nowadays, many merchants do not hesitate to use the word «quality» at all times. But what proves that a product is really of great qualitative value? It is by wanting to answer this question and in a concern to provide our customers with products of irreproachable quality and durability that we launched in world premiere "The Tarpaulin Lifetime Warranty" of our high-end professional products.
What does this consist of?
We offer for these specific products and indicated as such a repair or exchange in case of abnormal wear or early aging. The application of the Lifetime Warranty is simple, immediate and fair. The objective is to cover any manufacturing defect or early aging. However, it is necessary to distinguish between a tarp and a concrete wall!
Therefore, the lifetime guarantee does not apply under these conditions:
- Eyelets torn off reflecting extreme weather conditions (wind, hail, snow weight, etc.)
- Inadequate assembly, poor fixation (too much wind, too little "slope" and therefore pockets of water, poor voltage, etc.)
- Misuse: Tear from cutting object: Nail, knife, cutter…
- Burns, modifications to the tarp.
- Lack of appearance not affecting functional aspects (stains, rust foams, etc.)
- Destruction by negligence or wilful intent
- Diversion of normal use of the tarp
Quality for a lifetime: getting out of the era of the disposable
Thus, through this unique range of tarpaulins guaranteed for life, we are sure to be able to provide you with quality products that go beyond the «all disposable» scheme, keeping specific technicalities and high-end, approved to various standards, ideal for professionals. Whether you need tarpaulin for roofing, pergolas, swimming pool, in the building sector public works or public services, communities, agriculture, industry… You will necessarily find the right product.
To find out more
Would you like more information about our revolutionary lifetime warranty range? Do not hesitate to contact us, our sales department and our design office Bâches Direct remain at your disposal for any special request. You can also learn more about our partner TECPLAST at www.tecplast.com