The TECPLAST Group conquers Europe

After 3 years of strong growth, the TECPLAST Group wants to further accelerate the speed of its development: conquer the European markets.
TECPLAST, the success of a company with great ambitions
Created in 2003 in Savoie (73), the company TECPLAST quickly becomes essential on the market of tarpaulin and sacherie. Designer, importer and distributor of sustainable and qualitative products, TECPLAST is always looking for innovation for the quality of its products and exemplary customer service. In 2014, the TECPLAST Group expanded its presence in the bag and tarpaulin market… Online, with a strong digital strategy. Seven years later, the Group is seeing an increase of 20% per year in its clientele, with more than 50,000 clients today, including 6,000 professionals. The digital shift has been a winner.
A well-established digital strategy
Own sites, such as Baches-Direct, presence on the marketplace... The TECPLAST Group has been able to digitalize effectively to be ahead of the future and the methods of future sales.
Increase in customer base
Adept of optimization innovation and disruptive innovation in the world of SMEs and its processes, the entire strategy is now focused on digital: more than 800K€ invested in IT development on digital distribution and process automation on its own multiple sites and its connections to various marketplaces. And this strategy works. As the leading independent French distributor of tarpaulins, focused on the sustainability and quality of its products, the TECPLAST Group sees an average growth of 23% per year on the French influence.
Effective tools to deal with cyclical shocks
Last year, Laurent LOFFRE, founder and CEO of the Group said: «The reasons for our continued growth are based both on a first-rate positioning on the largest marketplaces and on ultra-modern and scalable digital sales techniques». They have made an umpteenth time their proof during the confinement from March to June 2020, with a sales evolution multiplied by 4 during this period! A very strong growth that the firm was able to absorb without problems thanks to the digital tools developed to measure that allowed the team to easily withstand the shock in the processing of orders.
Opening up to the financial market: towards Europe
Having turned to the financial market in 2020 in order to set up a structure calibrated to its high potential, the TECPLAST Group is now proud to announce a trusted partnership with Capit'Alpes and C2AD.
The project supported by Capit'Alpes Développement and C2AD
Capit'Alpes Développement, having always had an entrepreneurial spirit, now provides the company with additional equity in line with its development ambitions. Crédit Agricole Alpes Développement (C2AD), which already supports more than 150 SMEs and mid-caps in their growth projects, is also investing in the ambition of the TECPLAST Group.
Establish itself in different European markets
It is from this position of French leader in professional tarpaulin that Laurent LOFFRE wishes to propel the Group as a major player in the European market thanks to the investment of Capit'Alpes and C2AD. To begin with, the firm’s ambition is to expand to the German, Italian, Spanish, Swiss and Benelux markets. A good start! The Group is investing in a state-of-the-art IT solution (customized websites for each country, Process Automation, etc.) and strengthening its technical sales force. One goal: Europe!
A year 2021 that promises to be rich in ambition and success for the TECPLAST Group, which has been constantly evolving since 2003, without ever surprising the quality of its products and its customer service based on people above all.