Tips for maintaining your resin garden furniture

Simple and aesthetic, resin as a material for garden furniture has undoubtedly been the trend in our gardens for a few years now. Both ultralight to transport, move or install, resin furniture is also modern and resistant.
It is also a material known for its comfort qualities. In short, it cannot be blamed for much. Well, ok, it is certainly less solid than a beautiful exotic wooden table, treated to last, but resin is the ideal compromise to dress your garden in order to enjoy it to the fullest!
Maintenance of resin furniture: a few simple tips
Resin is not complicated, on the contrary, you will hardly find it easier to maintain! Resin is indeed a rot-proof material, designed to withstand climatic conditions and temperature variations: in summer, your furniture withstands extreme and extremely high temperatures! On rainy or windy days, your resin furniture is safe. Yes, but we can’t ask for the moon either when we know that resin is a material sold at very very reasonable cost.
So inevitably, let your tables, sofa and armchairs in resin suffer the pangs of winter, then the return of hot weather without protecting it for a little time … Inevitably, you suspect that in the long run, the resin will show some signs of weakness. To make up for this, nothing more simple: a rag, a little soapy water, a little beauty quarter of an hour and voila. Just rinse and dry.
A few stains resist? You can use on your cloth a few drops of degreaser but be careful, never abrasive product or product containing chlorine or a solvent! You will then sign the end of your beautiful furniture by permanently damaging the resin.
A tarp as protection
In winter, there is little chance that you will be able to fully enjoy your garden furniture in resin … or not for long then! So, to guarantee a better longevity and a new beauty every spring, we strongly advise you to keep a small place in your garage or shed, in short, sheltered! you can also provide a simple plastic sheet as protection with which you will cover and protect your furniture!
Wax special resin furniture
Finally, if you really care about the well-being and aesthetics of your resin garden furniture, know that there are special waxes designed to make resin objects and furniture shine. These products are applied with a cloth and restore their shine to your furniture! A real bargain!