Top 3 DIY ingenuity

Do you love to tinker, salvage and give objects a second life? If, compared to you, Mac Gyver is a bit of a gambler, then this Top 3 of the best DIY ingenuities should appeal to you.
Garden irrigation system
Tired of spending hours watering your garden and flower beds? Tired of standing around, hose in hand, waiting for your flower bed to get enough water? In just a few minutes, you can create an irrigation system that will water your rosebushes for you, simply by taking a 1.5-liter plastic bottle. Drill fifteen holes in the plastic, using a screwdriver for example. Place the garden hose in the neck of the bottle, turn on the water and let it run!
Draw perfect circles on a wall
You want to give your interior a fresh look and make some pretty circles which you can then paint. But your pot lids are too small and you've got nothing to draw a perfect circle with.
Here's the trick that will help you out: with a nail, a piece of string 10 to 50 centimetres long, and a pencil, you've got it!
Hang the pencil on one end of the string, the nail on the other; lightly hammer the nail into the wall to make as few marks as possible; then, using the string and pencil, draw a circle with the nail at its center.
Removing paint odours
If you've already redone the paintwork, you can boil some white vinegar in a pan and let it evaporate in the room. Repeat the operation several times, and the paint smell is gone!
Here's something to make life easier for your next DIY session.